
How Long Does an Open Bottle of Wine Last?

How Long Does an Open Bottle of Wine Last?

Not to state the obvious, but when you open a bottle of wine, the wine comes in contact with significantly more oxygen than it has for however long it has been stored, and it begins to oxidize. Removing the cork is the same action as you gasping for air after a hold-your-breath contest in the kiddy pool. It’s good for the wine like it’s good for you to breathe. Unlike humans though, wine can get too much oxygen. The type of wine and how long it has been aged before it’s been opened will determine how long it can remain uncorked before it turns bad.

In general, white wines can remain fresh in the fridge longer than red wines. There’s no real science behind that, but it’s a tested concept. The younger the wine, the longer it can last while being uncorked too. And sparkling wine should get consumed ASAP– those stoppers don’t work for much longer than a day before your bubbles become flat.

How long will my wines last in the fridge once I've opened them?

Sparkling wine: 1 day

Red wine: 1–3 days

White wine: 3–5 days

Rosé: 3–5 days

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